Editing a Posted Job
If you find that you made a mistake after posting your job or need to change some details, follow this step by step guide on how to edit an already posted job! To edit the information on an already posted job, Start at the home page by clicking on the “My Jobs” tab, followed by selecting the “Current Jobs” Option. Locate the job you want to edit, and click on the buttoFew readersHiring Workers
If you want to get a jump start on hiring talent for your jobs, follow this guide to show you how to hire/offer your job to potential talent! When looking for workers for an already posted job, start on the home page by clicking, “My Jobs” and then “Current Jobs”. Find the job you are looking to hire workers for and click “View Job”. It will expand the job, and give youFew readersApproving Hours and Rating Employees
Still need to approve hours after a worked shift? Feel like your GravyWork talent did a great job? Follow this guide on how to approve talent hours, and rate them! After a job has been worked, each employee inputs their own individual hours that need to be approved by their employer. To locate these hours click on the, “My Jobs” tab at the top of the screen, followed by the “Past Jobs” button. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cb9019c85599f800/screen-shot-2021-03-04-Few readersPayment Information/Invoice Location
Looking to find billing or invoice details? Follow this guide on exactly where to find your payment information! To locate your payment and invoice information for past jobs click on the “My Jobs” button, followed by the “Past Jobs” button. On the far right side of the screen, click on the job filter option, “Completed” button. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdFew readersPosting Multiple Jobs at Once
Instead of posting each job individually, you can always stay ahead of the game by posting jobs for the entire week in one go. Follow this guide for how to post multiple shifts at once! To begin posting multiple jobs at once, start at the home page by clicking the "My jobs" tab at the top of the screen. Followed by clicking “post a job” or the green plus button at the top left of the page. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cb9019c85599f800/screen-shot-2021-03-04-atFew readersCorrecting Employee's Hours
Did a GravyWork talent make an error when listing their hours, or not show up at all? Follow this guide on how to correct GravyWork Talent’s hours! In the event that an employee forgets or incorrectly reports their hours, they must be correct from the employers side. To find where to correct these hours click on the, “My Jobs” tab at the top of the screen, followed by the “Past Jobs” button. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cb9019c85599f800/screen-shot-2021-03-04-atFew readersHow to Post a Private Job
If you end up finding some GravyWork talent that works well at your site, you might end up wanting to limit and choose who you offer your jobs to. Follow this guide to see how to post a private job! Click the “post a job” or the green plus button at the top left of the page Click the green “add another location” button to fill in the address of the job site. Finish up tFew readersAdding a Favorite or Blocking Workers
If you find yourself liking a particular worker or feel one isn’t working out, follow this guide on how to add favorite workers or block workers as well! To add any worker to your Favorites list, start by selecting your name in the top right corner of the page, and selecting “my profile”. From there, click on the “Workers” tab, and choose between favorites or blocked worFew readersCanceling a Job
If for any reason you need to cancel one of your posted jobs, follow this guide on how to cancel an already posted job! If you wish to cancel your job posting, Start at the home page by clicking on the “My Jobs” tab, followed by selecting the “Current Jobs” Option. Click on the button with three gray dots in the far right side of the listed job to select, “Cancel This JFew readersPosting a New Job
Posting Jobs is one of the most important features on our site. Follow this step by step guide to show you exactly how to do it! To begin posting a new job, start at the home page by clicking the "My jobs" tab at the top of the screen. Followed by clicking “post a job” or the green plus button at the top left of the page. Click the green “add another location” button to fill in the addresFew readersRemoving a Worker from a Job
If you are looking to make a staffing change to an already posted job, follow this guide on how to remove workers from a job posting! When looking for workers for an already posted job, start on the home page by clicking, “My Jobs” and then “Current Jobs”. Click on any job you currently have posted below. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cb9019c8559Few readers